
产品简介:DTS8777 DSS8777三相电子式RS485通信远程表是为方便电力部门或用户监控电网质量而设计开发的电能表。具有较高的准确度和可靠性。本电能表采用功耗大规模集成电路技术及SMT工艺制造。电子式三相有功电能表供参比频率为50Hz的三相电网中精确计呈有功电能。该表型根据国家标准G B/T17215-2002《1级和2级静止 式交流有功电度表》设计, 通讯规约符合DUT645 -1997《多功能表通讯规约》
DTS8777 DSS8777三相电子式RS485通信远程表是为方便电力部门或用户监控电网质量而设计开发的电能表。具有较高的准确度和可靠性。本电能表采用功耗大规模集成电路技术及SMT工艺制造。电子式三相有功电能表供参比频率为50Hz的三相电网中精确计呈有功电能。该表型根据国家标准G B/T17215-2002《1级和2级静止 式交流有功电度表》设计, 通讯规约符合DUT645 -1997《多功能表通讯规约》
DTS8777 , DSS8777 three-phase electronic RS485 communication The remote table is designed to facilitate the power sector or the user to monitor the quality of the power grid Development of the energy mete「. With high accu「acy and reliability. this The energy meter adopts the international advanced ultra low power large scale integrated circuit technology Operation and SMT manufacturing process, electronic three-phase active energy meter for reference Frequency of 50 Hz three-phase power grid accu「ate measurement of active energy. The table Type according to the national standard GB IT 17215-2002 "level 1 and 2 stationary Type AC active power meter "design, communication protocol in line with DUT645-1997 "multi-function table communication protocol"